You've been dealt a Jack of Hearts and a 10 of Spades, cards which have a lot of opportunity to win. These pockets are neither particularly strong nor weak. If the pre-flop amount to call is low, you might consider fishing for the flop to see if you can improve your hand.

Unrevealed Card Unrevealed Card
Jack of Hearts 10 of Spades

Your Possible Hands

Rank Name Probability
1 Royal Straight Flush 0.00%
2 Straight Flush 0.03%
3 Four of a Kind 0.17%
4 Full House 2.60%
5 Flush 3.03%
6 Straight 4.62%
7 Three of a Kind 4.83%
8 Two Pair 23.50%
9 One Pair 43.82%
10 High Card 17.41%